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Train Ticket Vending Machine in Yingge, Taiwan

Submitted by on January 19, 2013 – 7:00 pm
Train Ticket Vending Machine
Train Ticket Vending Machine

Train Ticket Vending Machine

Buying a ticket for a local train can be a snap in Taiwan. This ticket-vending machine in Yingge, Taiwan, walks you through the process in a few seconds. The banks of buttons light up in the order you have to follow while making your selections. First, how many tickets you want. Then the type of train followed by the ticket type. Finally, you choose your destination. The machine tells you how much money to insert, and it spits out your ticket.

It’s pretty amazing that it has all of this written out in English. The ticket itself is all in Chinese and you then have to figure out when the train will arrive and at which platform, but that’s easy enough. For a local train, it doesn’t really even matter. You just hop on the next train passing through the station. You don’t need the ticket to get on the train. You only need it to exit from the station you arrive at.

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