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Articles tagged with: mine

008 – The Palm Hotel

October 5, 1998 – 6:21 pm
Tiru Gondar Sons_opt

The front of the Palm was in fact a lively bar. Behind it was a dingy room with wobbly tables and equally wobbly chairs. They called it a restaurant, but it had none of the trappings of even a greasy spoon. Just outside the rear door to this room was a large trough where customers washed their hands before and after meals. The saddest and …

Korea 016 – The Subway War

January 25, 1995 – 4:59 pm
Korea 058

I enjoyed going to Kyongbokkung. It was one of the larger stops and had been designed to double as an art gallery. There were often interesting displays of painting, photography or sculpture gracing the walls. In the mornings, however, I had little time to linger and joined the legions of commuters shuffling down into the tunnels of the subway system. A quick three stops brought …

Korea 015 – My Morning Routine

January 24, 1995 – 4:58 pm
Korea 058

The days at the Munwha drifted surreally by, the change from one to the next barely noticed in my exhausted state. Getting ready at 5:30 in the morning in cold darkness was always a struggle. The night before, I could have made everything ready, but the call of a cold beer and conversation after my last class at the local hof was always stronger. The …

Korea 002 – Arrival

January 3, 1995 – 4:42 pm
Korea 058

When I saw Seoul from the air, my heart sank. It sprawled snow covered for miles in all directions, a crush of aggressively square buildings without a tree in sight to break up the monotony. From the crowded airport bus, I could see nothing at all except the occasional light in the darkness. The outside of the windows were sheeted in ice from the storm, …