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Articles tagged with: John Valentine

Korea 013 – Munhwa Language School

January 20, 1995 – 4:56 pm
Korea 058

Two hours later solely due to my own efforts, I found myself in John Valentine’s office, out of breath and suffering from shin splints. I had subsequently gotten lost in underground Seoul so badly that I began to think of myself as the human gopher, constantly popping up from a tunnel to get my bearings and going down again. All the while I was pummeled …

Korea 012 – Spinning Koreans

January 18, 1995 – 4:55 pm
Korea 058

Every day that I hung out with the tourist/travellers made it more difficult to look for work. I pretended to myself that I was here only for a short time and would soon join the migration of backpackers on to the next stop on the Asia trail. The English teachers were awake and working hours before I even opened my eyes. I …